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Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:03:15  141661284  
14590337410430.jpg (626Кб, 2048x1382)
Анончики, нужна ваша помощь!
Помогите найти текст этой песни: https://youtu.be/HFtSeb9AePA
Вроде все обыскал, некоторые их песни есть, а этой - нет нигде. Помогите, пожалуйста, слепому аутисту.
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:04:06  141661340
704px-Occultist.png (510Кб, 704x600)
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:05:02  141661408
14677456178220.jpg (82Кб, 474x650)
Еще бамп.
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:06:31  141661502
14781114406471.jpg (134Кб, 786x1017)
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:08:12  141661613
14481998371570.jpg (71Кб, 604x431)
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:09:55  141661728
14605758839940.jpg (327Кб, 1131x1600)
Что, никто не поможет?
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:11:52  141661844
HFi5FZPo7Y.jpg (158Кб, 703x1024)
Все равно побампаю.
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:14:41  141662014
Аноним 07/12/16 Срд 00:20:48  141662385
14586042266210.jpg (282Кб, 1920x1080)
А, все нашел. Если кому вряд ли надо:
Do you fear me?

Do I what?

Do you fear me?

Do I fear you?
You just killed my eldest daughter
and then crushed her fiance
ate the band,
ate the priest,
like they were fish fillets!
You have some real aggression...

Human, let me rephrase the question:
Do you fear me?

You're a god!

but do you fear me?

Do I fear you?
For such a big guy
it seems absurd
that you would need
to be re-assured
The Earth is yours
You rule the sea,
you're such a big guy,
why talk about fear to me?

When you have a reputation
as this horrifying thing
you don't know, do they fear,
is their cringing quite sincere?
Or do people simply tell you
what they think you want to hear?
and so I'm asking, really:
do you fear me?

Do you fear me?

That's insane!

Perhaps. But do you fear me?

Do we fear him?
for millions of years
we've worshipped him,
dreamed of him,
killed for him,
For millions of years, our souls are his,
if that's not fear, what is?

Then you fear me?

Yes of course we do!

Ah, now it's time to vanquish you!
Yes, now that I'm awake...

...we must succumb...

...after millions of years,

My time has come!

Your time has come!

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