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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Welcome to Russian /Int/ernational board ## Mod ## 09/10/16 Вск 18:32:39 616 Ответ
127Кб, 495x333

Welcome to Russian /Int/.

There are no limits and you can post anything that does not breach the Russian law. Please, post in English, so we can understand each other well. Please, abstain from using this board as your file hosting. Due to ban on suicide methods, child pornography, homosexual content and discrediting of the Russian armed forces in Russia, please refrain from posting materials containing any of the above. It is also not recommended to post NSFW material here such as guro and sexual perversions of any kind, you were warned.



Thank you for your attention.

/intpol/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:50:58 123465 Ответ
war.webm 7968Кб, 960x720, 00:00:19
afgan.webm 16209Кб, 576x432, 00:05:14
g.mp4 10056Кб, 432x828, 00:00:49
svoboda.mp4 2495Кб, 898x720, 00:00:10
A thread related to discussing politics.

Languages commonly used across post-soviet countries (i.e. russian/ukrainian/belorussian etc., these belong to /po), NSFW content and discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT, also refrain from posting this stuff elsewhere.

Пропущено 281 постов
281 с картинками.
Пропущено 495 постов, 281 с картинками.
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 18:45:20 133460
Volodya was like a son to me, but he acted like a rotter, - Lukashenko about Zelensky
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 19:21:47 133461
IMG5645.MP4 24969Кб, 720x1280, 00:01:06
IMG5641.MP4 3255Кб, 1280x768, 00:00:08
IMG5640.MP4 3057Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:08
photo2025-03-14[...].jpg 155Кб, 829x1280
>The ECHR found Ukraine guilty of inaction during the clashes and fire in the Trade Union House in Odessa in 2014

>One of the main perpetrators of the burning of pro-Russian activists in the Trade Union House in Odessa in 2014, a Western Ukrainian nationalist (nicknamed GANUL) engaged in forced Ukrainianization and mobilization of the local Russian population and making a show of it, has been killed.

Coincidence? I don't think so ©
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 21:35:53 133462
Today I found out that political blogger Olga Shariy is Anatoly Shariy's wife and his full copy in irony, but has a different style of narration and analytics. I wish I also had a woman who supports me in everything and does the same things I do.
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 22:49:40 133463
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:01:25 133464
In the Makarov pistol, the first cartridge is not automatically chambered, the shooter must pull the bolt himself after replacing the magazine.
1. Either the shooter put the entire magazine in the asshole and replaced it with an extra one.
2. Either he was very bad at looking after the gun, very, very bad, because the Makarov is a very reliable gun and can withstand fantastically unfavorable conditions.
3. He forgot to take the safety off, which he set instinctively as an ex-military man (most likely this, judging by the shooter's reaction).

Identity of the shooter: a deserter of the AFU.
Motive: not officially announced.
/colony/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:57:05 123466 Ответ
7ac.png 472Кб, 1779x887
Don't know where to go?

You can try make a small colony or else post links to any other international anonymous imageboard here.

Please don't spam your links in any other places and don't raid this board with many threads with a same subject matter otherwise it can and will be deleted.

List of indian chans for your convenience here (provided by PT-bro, 06/02/24)
Пропущено 42 постов
42 с картинками.
Пропущено 171 постов, 42 с картинками.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 01:48:39 133353
Kohlchan is terrible, I don;t know how sane people can go there.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 17:47:35 133412

Same, I moved here because I wanted a different /pol/ culture. One that cared about genetic purity.
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 22:39:58 133442
AmerimuttImage.png 215Кб, 500x500
>I wanted a different /pol/ culture. One that cared about genetic purity.
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 15:53:09 133450

I was adopted from a different country, and yes I'm aware the new world is a mixed world, It's the genetic purity of the old world I care about.
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 02:04:00 133454
I’m pretty sure it’s at least like 40% bots posting there
privyet niggers, where is a good place to live in Russia? Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 07:11:04 133456 Ответ
incredibleindia.mp4 2421Кб, 480x852, 00:01:38
I live in Toronto and it's a shithole, I hate it here. Plus it's insanely expensive and you get taxed up the ass. (File related)

I could live like a king in Russia and not be surrounded by stinky jeets every second. It's sounds great to me. Where would be a good place to live in Russia? Also, if you're rich, what are the chances a girl is just going to be a golddigger?
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 12:58:56 133458
How about India? 😂
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:33:06 133466
>>133456 (OP)
Depends on the stratum of the population you're going to look in, not the specific nation. Types of layers of population in Russia are the same as in any capitalist state.
>A lot of cities in Russia look disgusting because of the Soviet style compared to Western cities, but they have a unique advantage: they are 10000 times safer and cleaner, there are no roaming street crazies and settlements of homeless people on the streets, no smell of street urine like in Toronto.
>Toronto and it's a shithole
i know
t. Lived and worked in Toronto
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:35:36 133467
Oh, right, I forgot to say, Russia only expects high quality specialists from the West, not everyone. Migration in Russia has tightened up a lot in the last couple years. If you're a fucking monkey with a shitty culture, you better stay in Toronto.
Anonymous  15/03/25 Суб 02:55:45 133471
Aren't you afraid that the Russians might execute your mulatto ass some day
di International Gastronomy, Cuisine, Oenology, Food and Drinks General Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 00:59:16 124359 Ответ
395173875104265[...].jpg 602Кб, 1440x1440
407431719106605[...].jpg 307Кб, 1152x2048
242589743101578[...].jpg 72Кб, 828x621
429642100182225[...].jpg 309Кб, 1440x1585
In accordance to 2ch's global rule 2, don't post photos with metadata or info about your daily routine that allow you or others to be doxxed.

- gastronomy, culinary (including recipes), oenology (wines), beers, etc.
- restaurants and dishes sugestions
- what you or average countryman would normally eat
- person eats in university or workplace canteen
- food costs
- etc
Пропущено 8 постов
8 с картинками.
Пропущено 25 постов, 8 с картинками.
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 04:50:20 133429
чурка смешанная из цыган, арабов и свиней, я тразаю твоих латинок и осеменябт их белой ДНК викингов завоевателей.
иди жир хамон пидор безвродный, ты в жизни русскому никогда такое не скажешь, сыкло португальское
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 08:48:36 133431
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 09:49:05 133448
ахахахаха ты жалок русачек
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:38:56 133469
Заткнись нахуй, пидор. Здесь итак мало людей. Я слишком много времени потратил за пределами этого анонимного форума, чтобы здесь их было хотя бы немного.
Не нравится раздел - иди нахуй. в другой
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:39:40 133470
Русачок здесь только ты, чмо вонючее, а я русский.
what she is talking about? she is polish Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 15:53:45 133018 Ответ
174026362141891[...].webm 5187Кб, 720x480, 00:00:33
what she is talking about? she is polish
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3 с картинками.
Пропущено 14 постов, 3 с картинками.
Anonymous  05/03/25 Срд 15:22:18 133253
Anonymous  05/03/25 Срд 19:18:29 133264
>a small East Slavic nation of Lithuanian slaves without their own history
nigger are you joking you literally named your country after theirs. care to show on a map where actual rus is? spoiler: both white rus and black rus are in fucking belarus
Anonymous  05/03/25 Срд 19:58:12 133265
image.png 203Кб, 800x354
Yes, of course. Rus is the state in east Europe originated in dark centuries with capital in Novgorod.
It's embarrassing not to know.
Transfer of capital to Kiev has been carried out on trading considerations.
Also it was planned to transfer capital of Rus on territory of modern Bulgaria, but the Byzantium armies have given Rus repulse in this region and Russian armies have retreated. Although the exact age of Novgorod is not reliably established, it is known that Rurik after the invitation arrived in a very developed trading city with developed democracy (elective power). What became a tradition in Russia - the city and the ruler are not united, the city could take offense at the ruler and expel him, the ruler could take offense and leave the city, after which the city would send envoys with apologies to the ruler.
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 23:47:08 133453
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:36:44 133468
How do you jerk off now knowing that fact?
webm mp4 Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 14:06:36 133009 Ответ
17371353587830.webm 3024Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:09
webm mp4
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51 с картинками.
Пропущено 59 постов, 51 с картинками.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 05:00:38 133395
119oBNULo6Splbh6.mp4 6222Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:44
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 05:02:17 133396
McKot.mp4 7828Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:42
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 23:19:10 133426
16243820849300.mp4 3752Кб, 480x480, 00:00:46
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 13:04:42 133459
m2-res854p.mp4 1170Кб, 480x854, 00:00:07
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 23:25:36 133465
0qYIWThMOztOQ0h.mp4 6166Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:34
Zdrastvyite varvari! Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 19:23:34 133204 Ответ
1734720128806.jpg 629Кб, 2534x2591
Zdrastvyite varvari!
Anonymous  02/03/25 Вск 20:41:32 133208
image.png 39Кб, 200x200
image.png 177Кб, 604x563
image.png 323Кб, 600x600
Hello, anglo-saxon bro
Anonymous  14/03/25 Птн 11:26:26 133457
17417567354180.jpg 659Кб, 1080x1049
17413080114140.webm 714Кб, 704x400, 00:00:03
TECHNO GYPSY Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 16:41:58 125304 Ответ
ТЕХНО ЦЫГАН.mp4 35680Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:03
Anonymous  22/10/24 Втр 01:52:27 130472
gypsies are interesting to me I wish there was a general on here about them so I could observe them
Anonymous  30/01/25 Чтв 15:09:10 132617
17382268944310.mp4 5923Кб, 540x960, 00:00:36
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 20:45:11 133452
20181129ABD0039.jpg 187Кб, 750x1152
>>616 (OP)
>>125304 (OP)

Why the fuck do they let gypsies exit there, and why do any nation's let gypshits exist anywhere? Even in the US, AUS, or BRAZ I want the gypsies removed
What is the best way to transfer euros to rubles? So far, I’ve been using Bybit to buy USDT and then Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 10:43:23 133432 Ответ
Screenshot20250[...].jpg 312Кб, 1080x1325
What is the best way to transfer euros to rubles? So far, I’ve been using Bybit to buy USDT and then using P2P to transfer them to my SberBank account.
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 01:26:34 133447
Hello, could someone help me? Anonymous  07/03/25 Птн 19:50:44 133308 Ответ
Goth chick.gif 2802Кб, 368x672
I'm not from Russia. When i try to post on /b/ appears "Error! Code -4, Posting prohibited."
What should i do?
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2 с картинками.
Пропущено 5 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 19:32:07 133437
The problem is that on the section /ukr/ (now closed) Ukrainians decided to organize a fundraiser for the AFU. Abu also didn't like that they were Nazis.
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 20:14:42 133438
Я могу постить в /b, ещё знакомый анон казах тоже там торчит частенько
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 21:12:21 133439
А ты разве не тот русофобик с форчана?
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 22:14:39 133440
Че, какой еще русофоб? Я не форче не сижу
Anonymous  13/03/25 Чтв 01:25:24 133446
SAUCE. Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 21:19:34 133422 Ответ
17416381835650.webm 2038Кб, 720x544, 00:00:26
Sauce of this video?
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 23:15:44 133425
>>133422 (OP)
Ask in the dark webm thread in /b/ if the thread is created
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 22:44:23 133443
I just found it. Thank you anyway.
Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing. Anonymous  25/01/23 Срд 12:54:14 110275 Ответ
лес заебали.MP4 9031Кб, 608x848, 00:01:04
image.png 17Кб, 1200x750
Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing.
Пропущено 142 постов
142 с картинками.
Пропущено 244 постов, 142 с картинками.
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 05:09:14 133177
Самый лучший тред!

Когда-то лет 20 назад я развлекался тем, что спамил в игре в чат ebac polsku kurwu w polsku dupu и читал ответы. 😀

4 - эта боль! Но он сам долбоеб.
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 07:16:42 133178
17393125285961.mp4 12537Кб, 640x640, 00:00:54
Anonymous  01/03/25 Суб 10:12:19 133180
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 18:53:31 133286
174120817563403[...].mp4 3616Кб, 640x640, 00:00:22
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 22:27:09 133441
20250312UglyFri[...].mp4 5733Кб, 1920x1080, 00:01:00
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 13:59:01 133379 Ответ
ITS FREEZING!!!.gif 2353Кб, 600x800
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3 с картинками.
Пропущено 1 постов, 3 с картинками.
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 17:15:35 133381
9b111bf5b0b9ea2[...].gif 349Кб, 498x306
>>133379 (OP)

>Ir'z fweezing

I have a fucking cold rn, but I love snow. Maybe grow balls dude.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 13:34:20 133409
crossed.png 87Кб, 304x360
What the fuck are you doing here nusoi?
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 17:50:12 133413
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 06:20:19 133430
Anonymous  12/03/25 Срд 15:31:03 133434
Hi Guys! Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 01:47:23 133352 Ответ
Stevie Hyper D.mp4 11439Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:55
Hi Guys!
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 21:12:53 133388
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 21:56:12 133389
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 13:32:52 133408
1728788064071.png 232Кб, 720x720
>nu2chcacas ask autistic questions
I had better thoughts of you...
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 23:13:11 133424
макаки.mp4 9036Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:15
Entertain me runiggers. Anonymous  05/03/25 Срд 17:01:09 133258 Ответ
1717468398524939.jpg 472Кб, 1735x2602
Entertain me runiggers.
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 20:42:50 133420
>>133258 (OP)
Jacinda has been entertaining anglo goy cattle since the infamous masonic shooting in that christchurch mosque.
jpg png Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:44:24 130801 Ответ
16054856705000.jpg 466Кб, 2560x1696
16060833641670.jpg 161Кб, 1080x870
16051925499670.jpg 876Кб, 1425x1246
16062608840080.jpg 271Кб, 1000x1001
jpg png
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31 с картинками.
Пропущено 28 постов, 31 с картинками.
Anonymous  06/03/25 Чтв 16:35:17 133283
image.png 979Кб, 768x768
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 01:33:46 133350
1741091564127802.jpg 285Кб, 1016x600
1721059856845115.jpg 621Кб, 3217x1804
1647474765134.jpg 2238Кб, 5601x3151
1589351379469.jpg 129Кб, 1920x1080
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:23:27 133360
Russian post(1).png 5491Кб, 2363x2171
17414640621580.jpg 284Кб, 768x1024
Yekaterinburg.jpg 245Кб, 1100x733
fo.jpg 368Кб, 1000x1000
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 05:17:41 133397
SannaMarin-2025[...].jpg 556Кб, 1025x1539
PrimeMinisterof[...].jpg 2178Кб, 1711x2296
211103SannaMari[...].jpg 1282Кб, 2560x1704
PrimeMinisterSa[...].jpg 1470Кб, 6205x4137
Anonymous  11/03/25 Втр 13:21:01 133406
It's too monotonous. I think you need your own thread where you worship your whore.
friends to chat with Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 02:59:11 128364 Ответ
IMG0121.jpeg 111Кб, 600x800
I would like to chat with some russian friends in english im from finland, please add me discord name ”tassukka”
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5 с картинками.
Пропущено 13 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  23/02/25 Вск 00:34:15 132998
Anonymous  04/03/25 Втр 01:39:07 133226
image 434Кб, 600x638
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 03:28:33 133373
image 62Кб, 735x734
image 48Кб, 736x735
image 73Кб, 735x735
image 400Кб, 720x720
>>128364 (OP)
Vika, kas see oled sina?
Meie oleme anonüümid /au/ tahvlist. Palun anna andeks meid!
Meie armastame sind! Kas sa tuled tagasi? Meie väga soovime seda!

Vika, is you?
This is anons from /au/. VIKA, EXCUSE OUR PLEASE!
Me love you! Go back in /au/?


빅토리아, 우리를 용서해 주세요! 사랑 해!
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 12:34:31 133377
>>128364 (OP)
From my experience all Finns are human garbage.
Anonymous  10/03/25 Пнд 17:17:31 133382
Why are Russian men dating Asian women these days so often? It was an exclusively North American tre Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 17:25:18 132240 Ответ
vid.mp4 12714Кб, 1080x1350, 00:00:58
172252409429554[...].webm 3928Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:29
image 195Кб, 1080x1350
Why are Russian men dating Asian women these days so often? It was an exclusively North American trend in 2010s but nowadays I see Russian males dating East and Southeast Asian women too often.

Are Russian women so bad these days?
Пропущено 8 постов
8 с картинками.
Пропущено 18 постов, 8 с картинками.
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 15:44:13 133331
in my university i meet some chinese girls
and now we're communicating
i got gifts from them
tea, mochi
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 15:50:50 133332
>in my university i meet some chinese girls
>and now we're communicating
>i got gifts from them
>tea, mochi

i mean
>I met some Chinese girls at my university*
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 19:52:06 133364
Russians - are north europeans.
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 21:10:59 133367
Жена Китаянка Н[...].mp4 2811Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:01
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 21:22:37 133369
In English please, I don't understand Russian nordic language.
Бесконечное лето Анон  08/03/25 Суб 18:16:06 133335 Ответ
frostix2802025-[...].mp4 2038Кб, 1024x576, 00:00:14
В первый раз на дваче, но много про него слышал
Может кто чат подсказать по бесконечному лету?желательно в телеграмме
Anonymous  08/03/25 Суб 18:33:34 133336
Anonymous  09/03/25 Вск 00:07:24 133341
>>133335 (OP)
eng language, read the rules. forum has not been anarchic for a loooong time.
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