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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:06:39  123765986  
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Ананасы посоветуйте как улучшить память и внимание? может какие кто упражнения знает или таблетки? помогите очень надо, устал все забывать и постоянно косячить
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:08:58  123766067
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:13:44  123766243
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:16:00  123766326
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:16:36  123766348
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:17:24  123766381
читай мемопедию, через пару недель будешь умней президента соединенных штатов земли
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:18:06  123766404
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:18:48  123766430
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:19:15  123766451
хули бампаешь, тебе умный человек уже все прояснил >>123766381
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:21:08  123766520
иди в жопу семен ваганович
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:22:50  123766598
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:24:52  123766683
>дали дельный совет
>назвали семеном и послали в жопу
я удивляюсь неадекватности современных школьников.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:25:19  123766700
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:27:06  123766799
дельный совет? читать вики с мемчиками? я удивляюсь толстоте сегодняшних тролей
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:28:06  123766846
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:28:55  123766888
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:30:36  123766957
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:32:45  123767029
По-английски понимаешь? Если да, то вброшу тебе несколько статей.

How Your Brain Works: Studying

Learning can be fun and easy if you fully appreciate the capabilities and limitations of how your brain works. Assuming that something is worth learning, and assuming that you’ve given it an honest effort, the reason you fail to learn something is not that you are stupid. It is because you did not study it the right way. In many cases, it was probably because it was not taught to you the right way.
•You cannot learn much if you passively expose yourself to something and hope it magically seeps in somehow.
•If you want to master something, you have to study it.
•Studying is a conscious, active process that takes insight, commitment, discipline, energy, and concentration. That is why studying is so rare.
•Studying is what separates serious students from the rest.
•Studying requires you to cultivate a transformational suite of attitudes and habits.
•You learn things faster when you study.
• Material that is studied, rather than merely “memorized”, will be permanently stored in your memory.
• Material that is studied, rather than merely “memorized”, will be remembered under pressure.
•Studying makes you smarter. The fruits of studying go well beyond the immediate material mastered. Studying now makes it easier to learn other things later.
•Studying the right way leads to mastery. Studying leads to feelings of competence, self-worth, and confidence that grow with each genuine accomplishment.
• You don’t just want to study harder; you want to study smarter. You study smarter by learning how your mind operates and by changing your study habits accordingly.
•Studying requires your active participation. You cannot just watch; you must do.
• New things are most easily learned when they are related to things you already know. One component of studying is finding and making these connections.
• Your brain is not one organ, but many. Studying taps into as many of these organs (intelligences) as are needed to master something in all, not just some, of it aspects.
•You learn more and you learn better with focused attention for one minute than you do with superficial exposure for weeks and months and years.
• Studying requires focused attention. Focused attention is hard mental labor. It takes lots of energy and will wear you out, but this feeling of work is the very evidence that learning is occurring at a very deep level.
• Studying is a prerequisite for mastery and requires energy that can only be fueled by one thing that all masters have in common: love for what they are doing!
• Studying is harder work than not studying, but it is not as hard as you think.
•When you study the wrong way, learning is hard and no fun and it takes a long time to learn something. When you study the right way, learning is fun and easy it takes a short time to learn something.
• Studying is a choice. So, are you ready to study?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:42:08  123767399
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>это чувство, когда единственная привычка, которую ты выработал, это скролить двачи сутками
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:46:28  123767542
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припекло однако
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:55:49  123767940
How Your Brain Works: The Learning Process

Intentional, conscious learning is the process by which we deliberately set out to learn something of value that we intend to store in long-term memory for future use.

Note: This article discusses intentional, conscious learning... as opposed to un-intentional, un-conscious learning. Unconscious learning, which encompasses powerful processes such as classical and operant conditioning, is a vast subject on its own, beyond the scope of this discussion.

The following example describes the most effective way to use your brain's memory system to create long-term memories. A full appreciation of how to make the most of your integrated memory system during the learning process can turn poor students and teachers into great students and teachers.

Let's pretend that we want to learn how a major triad sounds and feels. Furthermore, suppose that you have already mastered how to form a major triad by combining three notes.

Step 1. Pay attention to "Something".

Pay attention to the sound of a major triad played on the piano. The sound enters your ears and is perceived by your Sensory Register. When you pay attention to it, the sound is automatically loaded into your Working Memory.

Learning Process

Step 2. Relate this "Something" to "Something You Already Know".

Realize that you have pre-existing knowledge of the notes that comprise a major triad. This is a very relevant "Something You Already Know". Storage of "Something" in long-term memory becomes more secure and easier to retrieve when it is anchored to something that is already there.

Learning Process

Step 3. Keep "Something" and "Something You Already Know" in your field of attention.

Maintain the sound you hear and your knowledge of the notes in a major triad in consciousness at the same time. Do this until you feel something "click".

Learning Process

When you feel that "click", this is a sign that you have made a meaningful connection... a connection that has made an impression on your long-term memory. Such learning is likely to be permanent.

An Interesting Paradox

The simple process of connecting something you want to learn with something you already know is a way to create an endless stream of new and useful long-term memories. These new long-term memories expand the library of things you already know. The more things you already know, the more ways you have to understand and relate to new information. In other words, the more you know, the smarter you are. This leads to a very curious paradox: Unlike a computer memory which can get filled to capacity, every useful thing that you master -- every fact, concept, attitude, and skill -- makes your brain bigger!!!

Implications for Students and Teachers
•If you want to learn the right things, you have to pay attention to the right things.
•If you want to remember something, (assuming it is worth remembering) you need to relate to it in a way that is memorable.
•If the information loaded into your short-term memory is perceived as meaningless (not related to any patterns you already know), the potential to be stored in your long-term memory is very low.
•If the information loaded into your short term memory is perceived as meaningful (related to patterns you already know)… the potential to be stored in your long-term memory is high.
• It is absolutely essential that you find "Something You Already Know" that is related and meaningful to what you are trying to learn. If the foundational patterns that enable subsequent learning are not yet be in place, learning will be extremely difficult.
•Without meaningful associations between something you are trying to learn and something you already know, all you can do is memorize stuff. Such memories are likely to be temporary and unstable..
•It is possible It is absolutely necessary to back up as far as necessary to identify and master the prerequiste patterns that will enable you to catch up. Use the very same learning process of relating new information to something you already know. If you still feel stuck, seek out a great teacher.
•Very complex tasks, such as ear-training or learning a precise physical movement, may require multiple exposures (also known as practice) to become permanently stored in long-term memory.
•There is so much misinformation and mythology and unfounded opinion in the world, that "Something You Already Know" may be wrong. Students and teachers must expose and replace every myth with truth. Never, ever accept second-hand information blindly. Skeptical open-mindedness will serve you well. If your teacher can't explain why something is so, it's time to find another teacher.
•A great student is one who can direct his/her own attention and who seeks meaningful associations relentlessly.
•It is not always a simple matter to relate new things to your pre-existing knowledge. A great teacher is one who can direct your attention to the right things and guide you through the process of making these meaningful associations.
•Every lesson needs to be designed with the student's pre-existing knowledge in mind... Always... No exceptions. It is absolutely crucial to meet the student where they are, not where the teacher is. Such masterful teaching requires an uncommon set of attitudes, experience, and commitment. This is why great teachers are extremely rare.
•If the lesson being taught can be related to patterns the student has already mastered, learning can be fun and efficient! All great teachers use this process to build an ever-expanding repertoire of useful patterns.
•Always strive to make more than one connection to pre-existing knowledge. The more connections, the better. Strive to build rich networks of associations. Mastery is with built upon the rock-solid foundation of such networks.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 08:59:50  123768095
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:02:46  123768210
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:12:44  123768720
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:17:23  123768941

How Your Brain Works: Attention

Attention is probably the least appreciated aspect of intentional learning. In summary, we consciously learn what we pay attention to. The corollary is that we do not consciously learn what we don't pay attention to. When we are not paying attention, we are extremely vulnerable to learning certain things unconsciously. When we are not paying attention, we are at the mercy of another form of learning: conditioning... And we are as vulnerable to being trained as Pavlov's dogs and Skinner's pigeons.

The Challenge of Attention

Directing our attention to the right things is tough in a world were we are conditioned to be passive consumers of information. Paying attention to the right things is one of the most difficult things we can do with our brains... for at least three reasons:
•There are an incredible number of things in our field of awareness that are fighting for our attention: external sights and sounds, bodily sensations, and internal thoughts, memories, emotions.
•It takes experience and insight to know what to pay attention to.
•Focused attention requires lots of mental energy and can be absolutely exhausting.

The Limits of Attention

We are only human... and our attention, like all of our other capabilities, has its limitations:
•Our attention is always selective. There is always far more information available to us than we can attend to at one time.
•Our capacity for paying attentionhas two dimensions: 1) the amount of stuff we can attend to and 2) the amount of time we can maintain our concentration.
•In terms of amount of stuff, our attention can be viewed as having two axes: breadth and depth. Our attention can be extremely wide and shallow or extremely narrow and deep or anything in between. In other words, we can trade breadth for depth and vice versa but we can never maximize both.
•If we pay attention to many things at once, we have less capacity to attend to the details about each individual thing.
•If we pay attention to one thing at a time, we have the capacity to attend to it in more detail, but lose the capacity to notice other things.
•Our attention must be selective and tailored to the task at hand in terms of breadth and depth, enabling us to be receptive at the level of detail we are trying to learn.
•Focusing attention is very hard mental work that will wear you out. When you get tired, be sure to give yourself a break in order to recharge your batteries!

Implications for Students and Teachers
• Fore every study session, always have a clear goal in mind: What am I going to pay attention to today?
•Focus on learning one thing at a time.
•If you are unsure about what to pay attention to, find a great teacher. A great teacher will direct your attention to things you might not otherwise notice.
• Great students have the power to direct their own attention in the right places.
•Great teachers know where to direct the student’s attention.
•Studying is pointless if one is not prepared to concentrate. Concentration is hard work that cannot be done properly when you are tired or stressed or distracted.
•Focused attention is hard mental labor. Take a break when you get tired.
•Weeks and months and years of unfocused dabbling and mindless mechanical practice is worthless compared to one minute of focused, meaningful attention.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:19:34  123769042
How Your Brain Works: Soak Time

Your brain is like a sponge in three ways...
• It will absorb what you immerse it in.
•It can only absorb so much so fast.
•Once it is saturated, it can absorb no more.

Implications for Students and Teachers
•You better be careful to immerse your brain in the right things.
• If you want to learn something, you must pay attention to it long enough to make an impression on your brain. In short: No impression, no learning.
•The road to mastery is paved by the steady accumulation of these sometimes faint but extremely precious impressions.
•If you want to learn X, you need to slow down and focus your attention on X and maintain your focus on X until you feel something "click" or "seep in".
• If you are a student, don't give up on something after just one second. We are not talking about hours or even minutes. We are talking about paying attention just a small handful of seconds more. Try another two or three seconds and see how it goes.
•Iif you are a teacher, give your students just a few more seconds to pay attention to something new or to think about the answers to your questions. You both will be glad you did.
•Once you feel "full" or tired, your brain is saturated. Studying beyond that point will not produce much fruit. In fact, sometimes it can interfere with and displace what you have just learned.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:21:16  123769136
How Your Brain Works: Why We Forget

The primary reason that most of us "forget" something (more accurately, think we forget) is that we never really learned that something in the first place.

Most often, we don't learn because we simply do not concentrate on the right things. But, assuming that we are studying the right things, we may be studying them the wrong way. One wrong way is to try to do too much too fast in one session. Such forgetting takes place by a process called interference. Interference occurs when we try to learn too much at one time or try to learn too many things that are similar to each other in one session. The logic goes like this:
1.Similar mental activities use similar parts of your brain.
2. It is possible to saturate any part of your brain with new information. The sensation associated with this in mental exhaustion. In this state, your brain is like a sponge already thoroughly soaked in water.
3. Once any part of your brain becomes saturated with new information, any attempt to add more information will be fruitless at best and possibly destructive. Two things can happen. Either the additional information will not be encoded or... the additional information will interfere (become confused) with the information that is already there. A saturated sponge can hold no more water.

But don't despair! There is some great news... It is important to understand that interference only applies to similar material that is studied in similar way. Information that is dissimilar (that exercises different parts of your brain) does not interfere! Furthermore, information that has already been consolidated (already securely stored in long-term memory) is not be vulnerable to interference.

The implications for both students and teachers are profound:
•You should never try to study too much of a single topic (just technique, for example) in a single session.
•You should try to study several different kinds of things (technique, scales, chord progressions, rhythm, ear training, improvisation) in a single session, because this uses different parts of your brain.
•You will learn more if you study a single topic for five minutes a day every day than if you studied the same topic for one hour once a week.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:22:04  123769181
How Your Brain Works: Consolidation

Consolidation is the process by which short-term memories are transformed into long-term memories. Physiologically, this process is accomplished by rearranging and modifying the electro-chemical connections in your brain. Practically speaking, the stable formation of a long-term memory (permanent learning) takes focused attention, repeated exposure, and time for your brain to change. Here some very important insights regarding consolidation:
•You have to pay attention to what you want to learn.
•You may have to repeat your exposure to what you are trying to learn, paying attention several to many times.
•Learning may not occur immediately. It may take a few seconds to a few minutes for simple things... to a few days or weeks for complex things.
•In many ways, your brain is like a muscle... If you use it, it gets tired. It needs time to rest and repair and rebuild itself.
•Parts of your brain can become saturated with new information. Once that happens, more learning will not occur.
•Sleep is the best consolidation time there is. The prime time for your brain to catch up on and permanently store what it learned today is while you are sleeping!
•Each and every day presents a potential consolidation cycle, consisting of the alternating activities of studying using focused attention and brain-restructuring sleep.
•Practice will be most effective if it is distributed over time. Five minutes a day, every day, is generally better that five hours once a week!
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:23:07  123769239
>>123765986 (OP)
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:24:08  123769298
Смотри в сторону агонистов 5HT-2a рецепторов, согласно последним исследованиям они стимулируют нейрогенез как таковой.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:24:17  123769312
>>123765986 (OP)
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:26:52  123769457
Лучше в сторону антагонистов - не слушай наркоманов
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:27:46  123769509
как он связан с улучшением работы мозга?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:28:07  123769536
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:30:19  123769657
>>123765986 (OP)
Тони и Бари Бъюзены. Книги про суперпамять и интеллект карты
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:50:50  123770740
Суда ну банально стихи учи, можешь потом тяночке рассказать она оценит. Почитай про чертоги разума.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:53:04  123770867
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Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:55:27  123770997
Чувак, самое главное не переволноваться. Я тоже забивал тревогу. Не паниковать, со всеми бывает, просто начни читать. Развивай мозг, запоминай интересные слова, которые не знаешь и таким образом разовъется память.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 09:58:58  123771186
Брось фапать и курить.
И бухать тоже брось.
Сейчас же, блять!
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:01:08  123771309
Живой адепт ноуфапона, спешите видеть.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:02:44  123771404
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>>123765986 (OP)
Мне игра Brain Challenge помогает хорошо. В таких тредах всегда советую. Ещё всё в уме стараться держать, расширяя тем самым оперативную память и постоянно её тренируя. Также любые расчёты также стараться делать в уме. Память улучшится, базарю, ещё захочешь.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:02:52  123771409
Живой раб своего отростка, спешите видеть.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:08:44  123771708
Потому что ты так сказал?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:08:49  123771714
кто нибудь соотвествующую фарму упарывает? фенотропил, нооотропил, пирацетам? какой эффект?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:14:18  123772017
говно, говно, только для улучшения кровообращения
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:16:55  123772172
прям так и говно?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:20:48  123772407
Кому как. У меня лично от фенотропила голова реально проясняется и меньше устает. Но под вечер после этого накатывает дикая усталость порой. А если пить нон-стоп, а не курсами по 2 недели, то эффект от приема пропадает.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:29:37  123773006
в обед пойду куплю что нибудь и выпью, результаты опишу здесь
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:38:23  123773650
У меня такая же хуйня, как у ОПа, голова очень плохо соображает, и иногда болит, и всё время хочется спать, часто бывает что не понимаю что происходит, на всё реагирую медленно и долго думаю, я хочу просто умереть блядь
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:39:56  123773744
вот вот, думаю, думаю и ничего умного не приходит на ум
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:40:41  123773800
Только аккуратнее. Фенотропил не рекоменовано пить вечером, т.к. могут быть проблемы со сном.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:41:32  123773864
да дело блядь не в умных мыслях, а в самых обычных бытовых вещах, даже книгу не могу прочитать, с 10 раза дохоидт смысл, любая интеллектуальная деятельность либо работа — это ад нахуй.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:45:35  123774140
>>123765986 (OP)
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:49:20  123774417
ну так я про бытовые дела и говорю, надо придумать например распорядок дня, что за чем делать, в итоге хожу кругами и делаю только то на что натыкаюсь, как итог никакой производительности
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:51:43  123774629
Можно и доктору сходить.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:52:51  123774753
а к какому именно?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 10:59:30  123775305
Ещё не надоело шизофренить?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:00:41  123775417
Глицин ебаш.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:14:31  123776614
Ты вызываешь у меня отвращение.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:15:56  123776742
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:28:06  123777724
Про синапсы они и не слышали.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:29:31  123777845
Сперва к терапевту.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:38:32  123778490
>>123765986 (OP)
только через осваивание навыков иностранные языки, программирование etc. Таблетки и терапевты не помогут
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:44:00  123778908
Сам учусь на лекаря. На фармакологии нам рассказывали, что пирацетам - абсолютно неработающая хуйня для дурачков с невыясненным принципом действия. Однако, встретив в тематике треды, в которых люто форсился сей ноотроп, решил я всё-таки им поупарываться.
Впечатление от первых дней приёма:
- прилив сил
- повышение концентрации внимания
- поввшение чёткости мышления
- проблемы со сном при приёме лекарства позже 4 часов дня
- удивительно лёгкие пробуждения по утрам.
Но практически все эти эффекты исчезли к концу второй недели приёма. В резудльтате так я и не понял, было это самовнушение и эффект плацебо, или же прерарат реально работает, просто полизошло привыкание.
Надо сказать, что перед ответственными мероприятиями, на которых нужно хорошо шевилить мозгами, упарываю пирацетам и сейчас, "на всякий случай", так сказать.
Эффекта, правда, не замечаю.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 11:46:13  123779072
С тобой всегда такое было?
Если это приобретенное, то с чем сам связываешь?
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 12:25:50  123781930
я похоже понял, у меня есть шейный остеохондроз, а его последствия это как раз, снижение кровообращения головного мозга, снижение памяти и внимания, плохое самочувствие и еще я часто не могу расслышать что говорят (то есть проблем со слухом нет, я просто не понимаю что человек сказал и приходиться переспрашивать)
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 12:34:55  123782563
14609720953900.png (70Кб, 255x207)
Такая же хуета, хуйзнает что с ним делать.
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 13:02:13  123784813
Аноним 18/04/16 Пнд 13:06:59  123785229
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