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Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:44:03  129313007  
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Какой отрывок объективно сложнее?

When his mind wandered it took him to a sunchoked acre of grasses and weed where a snow of pollen lay yellow on the ground, a place like a rotunda, obviously complete, although nothing suggested architecture. There was no apparent ceiling and no visible dome.
Warm winds would lap at his stringy hair arrangement. He would feel no pulse, faint metabolism, conscious only of the hum and flow. He would recall what Doctor Burnheart had said to him on one occasion: “Take wing, Moldenke. Life is flight if you choose to ride the updrafts.”

I ran forward, then back, retracing my steps. She’s hiding, I thought. She must be hiding. A few yards from the dead seal pup stood a concrete drainage wall covered with graffiti. I ran toward the wall. In my mind I pictured her crouched there, giggling, the pail propped on her knees. This vision was so clear, had such the ring of truth, I almost believed I had seen it. But when I reached the wall, she wasn’t there. I leaned against it, felt my insides convulse, and vomited into the sand.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:45:43  129313135
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:46:47  129313214
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:47:49  129313308
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:48:16  129313340
Первый. На любом языке более художественный текст будет сложнее.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:48:36  129313372
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:51:26  129313582
По структуре оба простые. По используемым словам первый сложнее.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:55:33  129313890
>>129313007 (OP)
Имхо, первый.
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:55:56  129313919
>>129313007 (OP)

riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
Sir Tristram, violer d'amores, fr'over the short sea, had passencore rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of
Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war: nor had topsawyer's rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County's
gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time: nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick: not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac: not yet, though all's fair in vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe.

— James Joyce, «Finnegans Wake»
Аноним 09/06/16 Чтв 23:59:14  129314184
Ну да, а то я думаю, почему второй читаю как русский, а на первом запинаюсь( Хотя вроде слова почти все знакомые. Там вроде как образность сплошная. Это и тяжеловато для меня пока.
Аноним 10/06/16 Птн 00:00:43  129314291
нихуя не понял
Аноним 10/06/16 Птн 00:06:24  129314717
Блять, сколько тут языков?
Аноним 10/06/16 Птн 00:07:21  129314790
>>129313007 (OP)
Объективно проще просто выебать руснявого не могущего в английский фаната ведьмака в жопу и в рот, и отправить на парашу, где ему самое место. Аминь.
Аноним 10/06/16 Птн 00:08:51  129314891
>>129313007 (OP)
Аноним 10/06/16 Птн 00:11:57  129315095
парочка от силы - тут скорее всякие диалектные словечки

Платонов круче.

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