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Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:08:39  163113931  
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Read the interview with Alex Deen, a sociologist, and find out the principle he uses to group these people.

There are stereotypes about people of the same nationality, Zodiac sign, and social status having much in common. Scientists have classified several generations of today and have described their personalities, interests, and viewpoints. According to the researches, the period of time together with its unique political, economic and social aspects of life influences greatly the people born and raised then. Alex Deen is going to help us understand things better.

A. _______________________________________________________________

The Baby Boomers. They are a generation of people born during the post WWII «Baby Boom». They entered the world in a hard time, but thanks to education and technological progress they have become a quite successful generation. They have always been living and struggling for something at the same time.

B. _______________________________________________________________

Well, everybody's heard about Steve Jobs, I believe. His colleague, so to say, Bill Gates needs no introduction. Famous politicians, such as Bill Clinton,Donald Trump, George W. Bushalso represent Baby Boomers.

C. _______________________________________________________________

Generation X did. This typecovers people born between the mid 1960’s and the early 1980’s.

D. ________________________________________________________________

Gen X was shaped by global political events that happened during this generation’s youth. Events such as The Vietnam War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War helped to shape the culture of Generation X.

E. __________________________________________________________________

Compared to previous ones, Gen X has learnt to understand differences such as religion, social class, race. Many people agree that this generation representatives have been trying to make life better though it can be really difficult sometimes.

Which of them can we be proud of?

Almost all celebrities of these days belong to Gen X — Ben Stiller, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Adam Sandler. My favorite here is a popular chef Gordon Ramsay.

F. ______________________________________________________________

You have guessed it,Generation Y came after Generation X. It covers people born between the 1980’s and the year 2000, and they are sometimes called Gen Y, the Millennial Generation, or simply Millennials.

G. ____________________________________________________________________

Sure, it was to some extent, but mostly Generation Y has been shaped by the technological revolution. Gen Y grew up with technology, so being connected and tech savvy is in their DNA. They have been using the latest technology and gadgets, such as iPhones, laptops and lately tablets for long enough not to be able to imagine their lives without them. Generation Y is online and connected 24/7, 365 days a year.

H. _______________________________________________________________

I think so, yes. Many Millennials grew up seeing their Baby Boomer parents working day and night doing stressful jobs, which has formed their own views on work and the need for work-life balance.

Have any of them succeeded in life yet?

You must be joking! You know a lot of them — my word! Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Keys, Keira Knightley, Usain Bolt, Zac Efron, Adele, Rihanna, I can go on for ages!

Well, that's the end of the classification, I suppose …

And you are wrong here.

Generation Z or Digital Natives is the generation of children born after the Year 2000. They are the children of Generation X and Generation Y. To be fair, we don’t know a lot about the character traits of Generation Z, because they haven’t been on the earth for very long yet. Generation Z are predicted to be highly connected, living in an age of high-tech communication.

A They are Baby Boomers' children and they are so different from them. Have their parents had any impact on them?
B What generation have scientists started their classification with?
C Well, we have Gen X … Does it mean that next comes Gen Y?
D How are they different from the previous generation?
E What factors influenced the personality of those people?
F Does it explain the “generation gap” phenomenon?
G Who came after them, after Baby Boomers, I mean?
H Are there any famous people among them?
They were born in a very unquiet time. Was it important for their personality shaping?
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:09:03  163113934
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 1/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:09:27  163113945
ответ 42
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:09:51  163113952
>>163113931 (OP)
с меня тонны нефти,как всегда
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:10:21  163113960
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 2/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:10:52  163113965
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 3/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:12:00  163113983
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 4/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:12:42  163113992
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 5/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:12:42  163113993
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 69/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:13:35  163114009
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 6/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:14:27  163114025
>>163113931 (OP)
бамп 499/500
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 05:26:03  163114230
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 07:13:51  163116248
>>163113931 (OP)
прочесть интервью и выделить признаки по которым социологист выделяет группы людей, чичас что смогу сделаю, а далее, увы, идти надо
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 07:22:16  163116421
A - There sociologist groups people of one nationality, one zodiac sign, and one social status.
B - There we see a group of people who was born after WW II, that's the criteria.
C - And here we see the most famous people of our world, such as politics and businessmen.
D - The criteria here is date of birth, this group includes people who was born in the middle of 1960 and early 1980.
E - Generation X
F - Famous people of Gen X
G - Generation Y
H - хз, нипонятна
+ там в конце вопросы, гугол транслейтни, а мне идти надо, удачки, антош.
Аноним 17/10/17 Втр 07:41:50  163116843
Нахуй ты это высрал, дебил?

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