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Аноним 28/04/17 Птн 23:41:17  151974989  
Flag-Pins-Bulga[...].jpg (60Кб, 400x320)
What do you think of Bulgaria and Bulgarians?
do you like them?
Аноним 28/04/17 Птн 23:43:21  151975131
>>151974989 (OP)
Sosi hui bidlo
Аноним 28/04/17 Птн 23:47:12  151975383
>>151974989 (OP)
Болгары = цыгане.
Ненавижу, блять, цыган.
Аноним 28/04/17 Птн 23:50:35  151975592
why do you think Bulgarians are gypsies ?
is it because they often steal?
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:09:54  151979921
>>151974989 (OP)
blyad nevelny
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:10:56  151979960
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:11:52  151979998
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:14:35  151980120
Сам являюсь болгаром-переселенцем, живу на юге Украхи, тут жили и мои предки уже пару веков наверное после переселения
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:14:54  151980130
My Bolgarian girl friend told me that bolgarians are so ugly that she is afraid every time that she came home to Sofia.
But she was very friendly person and sexy girl.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:15:33  151980152
>>151974989 (OP)
I dont think about them.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:16:48  151980201
Also, i knew some bulgarian dudes from moldova, terakliya. And they are good dudes too.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:17:32  151980241
I love bulgarian pepper
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:18:23  151980279
He is just a fool and mixed you up with romanians. Personally, I don't know much about your country, exept for bulgarian pepper and Azis.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:19:00  151980306
you want us to tell you what we think of you, yet you didn't say a word about what you think of us
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:20:38  151980378
I think that you're a small-lettered cunt.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:21:15  151980402
oh ain't you a smart ass
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:22:43  151980475
Have you ever heard of the question mark? Look, i've posted one for you in that question.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:24:45  151980572
seems like u talking bout some particular question mark with that 'the'. learn your articles
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:26:11  151980627
>seems like u talking bout some particular question mark with that 'the'
For sure. About one I gifted you.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:29:01  151980734
>>151974989 (OP)
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 01:29:19  151980747
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 03:50:59  151985426
hqdefault.jpg (28Кб, 480x360)
>>151974989 (OP)
keep calm
and waiting for OSVOBOJDENYE
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:02:45  151985671
>>151974989 (OP)
Сраненькая бесполезная страна-овощ. Истории - нет, влияния - нет, народ - дрисня.
Я сам наполовину болгарин, но всё, что знаю о стране:
1. В ВОВ воевали за Гитлера, потом удачно переобулись.
2. Кивок у них означает "нет", мотание - "да".
3. Всё.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:12:45  151985839
>>151974989 (OP)
I used to know a lot of Bulgarians and one of them was my best friend, they are really cool people. The Bulgarian government does a lot of anti-Russian things though so that kinda sucks but I can kinda understand since our own government is basically a mafia that isn't worth anyone's respect.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:16:49  151985890
Во второй мировой войне Болгария ходила под Гитлером, я уважаю тех, кто сражался на стороне великого Третьего Рейха, так что мир вам и вашей стране.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:18:54  151985916
>>151974989 (OP)

Nothing, but they are slavs so they are cool, I guess.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:24:56  151986003
Ёбнутый? Болгары = славяне, а значит братушки.
А цыгане это румыны.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:30:12  151986085


Так сами болгары говорят, вроде :3
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:32:25  151986116
Ona utonula
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 04:35:05  151986158
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>>151974989 (OP)
> What do you think of Bulgaria and Bulgarians?
I think that pic is the face of your nation.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 06:21:22  151987605
>>151974989 (OP)
Voobshe pohui
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 06:30:16  151987717
ee9.png (142Кб, 642x700)
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 06:36:02  151987807
Don't really care about the country. Know that they joined axis during WW2 while even yugos resisted. Also they are both in EU and NATO, lately been into lots of antirussian ritoritcs. Few Bulgars I met during the life were ok, though. Even they are brother slavs I still think its a cuck country.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 06:36:47  151987822
>>151974989 (OP)
Если честно, я, наприсер, толком ничего не знаю про эту страну. Я не различаю все эти Болгарии, Румынии, Македонии и пр.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 07:16:03  151988406
>>151974989 (OP)
Оп - gà này
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 07:59:24  151989162
>>151974989 (OP)
Like reading inscriptions in their language, it makes me feel trilingual and raises my self-esteem.
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 08:01:43  151989206
Viva Belarus
Аноним 29/04/17 Суб 08:03:52  151989246
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>>151974989 (OP)
Она утонула

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