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Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:35:39  153092507  
eNDcz8M.jpg (876Кб, 4250x2390)
Кто-нибудь сможет мне объяснить, как лишиться всех животных инстинктов и желаний? А точнее, как перестать думать только о том, чтобы кого-то выебать. Мне двадцать лет, слишком много тестостерона, но я никак не могу избавиться о подобных мыслях. Нофап держал лишь четыре дня, дальше срывался.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:37:19  153092623
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:37:58  153092668
Is very simple. Anytime you get "impure thoughts" or a boner or blue balls or the urge to masturbate just squeeze your buttocks and your anus very tightly and imagine the "energy" moving up into your sacrum and spine. Continue to squeeze and imagine this energy rising up your spine, up into your back, neck and head. You may shudder, as if you're cold. Once you've moved a sufficient amount of this "energy" into your head/brain, imagine the energy move down into your chest and abdomen in time with your breathing (as though you were "pulling" it with your diaphragm as it flattens on the inhale). Relax your shoulders and chest and breathe with your diaphragm. Imagine the "energy" is mixing with your breath and nourishing your body and organs.

Continue this full body pumping in stages until you no longer feel that anxious gnawing urge to masturbate. It also helps prevent sexual fantasies that you find are not helpful or interfere with your productive time. Use as often and as much as needed.

In-Depth Explanation

I will explain the technique through the Chinese model on which it is based. If you don't "believe" in the validity of the Chinese model, just skip this section; I'm not here to argue with pseudo-skeptics about epistemology or the application of the Duhem-Quine thesis, just to provide a helpful tip.

If you're familiar with the Hindu system of "chakras," it helps. If you're familiar with the Chinese system of acupuncture meridians, this also helps.

The two meridians used in this technique lie on the parasagittal plane of the body - the ventral/front is called the "Conception Vessel" and the dorsal/back is called the "Governing Vessel." They run right up and down the middle of the body and meet at the crown of the head and at the structure called the perineal body. If you've never used or felt acupuncture or acupressure points, you can look up points along these meridians and feel them out. Any points that hurt are areas of congestion and blockage.

Basically, the technique is based on the idea that the "original qi" or "ancestral energy," which is located in the testicles, needs to freely circulate in order for your body and mind to reach their maximum potential (as inherited from your ancestors). Interesting to note that the Chinese figured this out long before any conception of molecular heredity. Of further interest to some may be the fact that transposable elements (aka "jumping genes") which comprise a major chunk of the human genome, are derepressed most in testicular and brain tissue - the "Brain and Balls" hypothesis of genetic self-engineering.

Anyway, if you're "ancestral qi" is blocked you'll get blue balls and waste it on ejaculation. Too much sex and masturbation are recognized causes of pathogenesis in the Chinese model. By retaining the "Jing" you can recirculate it and nourish your mind and body.

More advanced Taoist techniques involve intentionally having sex, generating more vital energy and and orgasming without ejaculation. You can look into this sort of thing elsewhere.

My Story

I've been noFap for over a year, although my longest streak was about 7 months (~2 months ATM, not really keeping track). I was in a disastrous LTR about 4 years ago and hadn't been with a woman since, until I decided to get into pickup recently. I originally decided to go noFap when I became worried that regular watching of porn and fapping was getting out of hand and becoming an unhealthy substitute for real relations.

My sex drive was well under control, but with some recent success seducing real women, it came raging back. Thankfully, I was able bring it under control with this technique and avoid strong recent urges to relapse.

Good luck, friends, Romans, countrymen... I hope this helps.

TL;DR Just read "The Technique" section.

EDIT: Please post your feedback below - I would really like to know if other people found this useful or have questions/clarifications.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:39:14  153092754
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>>153092507 (OP)
Подожди несколько лет - после 30 ебаться особо не хочется. У многих мужиков, правда, от этого съезжает крыша и начинаются судорожные попытки доказать самому себе, что ты ещё ого-го, т.е. по сути то же желание ебли, но другого генезиса, не гормонального.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:41:58  153092940
Есть ли вариант, избавиться от желания, мыслей несколько раньше, нежели ждать, когда тебе стукнет 30? Я о том, что только из-за этого случилось много проблем и бед в моей жизни, к тому же, на данный момент я больше похожу на животного, у которого лишь мысли о ебле и ни о чём другом. Хотя стараюсь всячески саморазвиваться и совершенствоваться в широких областях.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:45:04  153093184
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:46:34  153093306
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:52:56  153093732
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>>153092507 (OP)

Легче прощего
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 20:59:17  153094186
>>153092507 (OP)
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 21:05:06  153094583
photo2017-05-09[...].jpg (99Кб, 787x626)
>>153092507 (OP)
Норадреналин те в помощь.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 21:05:50  153094633
Ничо не понятно, пиши на русском
Аноним # OP  14/05/17 Вск 21:47:13  153097902
Где его достать?
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 22:19:56  153100481
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 22:24:28  153100804
>>153092507 (OP)
Я если курю по пачке в день, не думаю об этом дерьме.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 22:36:18  153101637

После 30 прилетает кризис среднего возраста, когда понимаешь что нихуя не добился и дальше только болезни со старостью. Возможно не до ебли именно поэтому среднекунам возрастным.

Вот этому херу за 30, но он чота не парится на тему "ебаться не хочется"

Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 22:38:07  153101765
>>153092507 (OP)
Медитируй, познавай себя.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 23:00:44  153103317
>Где его достать?
умеренный спорт.
Аноним 14/05/17 Вск 23:13:15  153104110
>>153092507 (OP)
>как перестать думать только о том, чтобы кого-то выебать.

Хорошо, долго и обстоятельно кого-нибудь выебать. Блядь, напридумывают проблем.

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