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Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 16:55:37  142882551  
flagbritaincolo[...].jpg (4293Кб, 3840x2400)
This is the official English speaking thread.

We haven't had one for ages. Time to make up for it!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 16:55:53  142882569
instant bump
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 16:58:23  142882716
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:00:25  142882828
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:01:32  142882887
Sankt Peterburg kun ITT ask questions.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:02:10  142882925
>>142882551 (OP)
Kak dela?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:02:22  142882939
Do you?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:02:46  142882964
It sucks.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:04:38  142883081
>>142882551 (OP)
Ti chichuesh?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:05:49  142883146
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:06:52  142883210

Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:07:42  142883271
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:08:11  142883300
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:08:13  142883304
How did u live with big cock in ur mouth?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:09:09  142883365
Newfag detected. Just as planned.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:09:40  142883404
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:10:14  142883436
Fuck you.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:10:15  142883437
Fucked you in your mouth, just as planned.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:10:50  142883472
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:11:29  142883516
>>142882551 (OP)
Will you organized Skype conference?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:12:27  142883573
Hello. My name is Vasya. I live in Russia. I like computer games and porno.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:13:20  142883628
I don't got no camera, so no.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:13:55  142883657
Great idea! I double that anon's question
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:14:40  142883698

Evry dai I open my windows , and do my morning execizes
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:14:41  142883699
go to the /int/ retard
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:14:46  142883703
Are you teenager?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:14:50  142883706
Sosi hui pendos
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:15:04  142883716
This board sucks.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:16:48  142883796
Hello guys! What are you up to?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:17:37  142883831
Hello. What you mean?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:18:44  142883897
Dein Englisch ist eine Sprache der blöden Amerikaner. Die beste Sprache ist Deutsch.

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:19:47  142883956
omg learn english
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:19:51  142883958
Хенхде хох, ёпта.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:20:19  142883985
I don't know your nigger words, sorry.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:20:47  142884017
Нихт ферштейн
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:22:08  142884084
What made you ask that?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:22:15  142884092
Айн цвай!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:23:57  142884199
"What are you up to?" is a way to say "what's up?" or "hi."
walking by
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:24:37  142884243
Sup, hoes. Whats goin on here, nigga?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:25:41  142884318
Арбайтен хлопцы, арбайтен.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:29:23  142884536
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:34:00  142884826
Chillin' at home guys!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:34:56  142884879
Have anybody of you been to a speed dating events?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:37:09  142885014
What kind of porn do you like?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:39:03  142885126
Let's bump this thread to high heaven!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:41:23  142885237
This high is high of my cock
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:43:19  142885353
IbGwAZSfCHI.jpg (110Кб, 960x718)
This thread is almost dead, as always.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:43:35  142885366

Take your cock back where it belong - to the henhouse, and throw away the zipper.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:44:32  142885426
>>142882551 (OP)
get the fuck outa dvach!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:46:08  142885521
Chto za pendosky yazik? Slava Rossii. Valite na 4chan suqi
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:47:14  142885575

You can stick your gobbledygook up your ass.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:47:31  142885592
No. This situation is good for me and my girls. Thay scream cuz my cock is big. It's hits american sputniks
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:48:55  142885656
Shut the fuck up, rusak. You have no power to order here.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:50:40  142885763
Ti chto oxyel, amerikano ebanniy?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:54:01  142885981
London-kun ITT
Ask your answers
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:55:45  142886081
What do you do?
How many niggers are there?
Tell about your life.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:57:51  142886196
>What do you do?
I am studying here.
>How many niggers are there?
I live in "White" area. But overall, lot of them.
>Tell about your life.
Ask what do you want to know about life here
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 17:59:20  142886278
Do ya suck cock?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:05:47  142886689

I bet he does. Cockney cocks.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:07:55  142886842
But he is not op. There is a chanse he don't suck cocks
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:12:11  142887124

I'm going to assume that he does until he proves otherwise. I'm biased, I know.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:14:55  142887310
I'm gonna do some kratom and drink beer tonight.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:20:50  142887694
I hereby declare this thread dead.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:23:15  142887854
Съебали на свою борду, пендосы ебаные!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:48:00  142889581
>speed dating events
What the fuck is this, even?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:48:51  142889643
Why is your English so bad if you live in England?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 18:52:02  142889868
Аноним # OP  24/12/16 Суб 18:57:04  142890203
Аноним # OP  24/12/16 Суб 19:01:14  142890475
One last bump and I'll go.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:10:42  142891104
This is the one last bump I was talking about. Now I'm really gone.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:17:24  142891522
You see, anon, when you make an Englsih speaking thread in /b/ and with no topic at all you get tonns of sage and the thread drowns faster then a rock. Go to /int/ or to other image board which considers english an official language and do your stuff. Or at least offer some topic to discuss. Any thing. It's not particularly smart to just make an english thread just for the sake of it. I came here and have absolutely nothing to talk about, except critcizing your effort.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:21:05  142891746
ПУПИ ЭПИ экшели
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:21:39  142891776
I think I'll hang around till the thread drowns. Maybe there'll be smth interesting. If OP isn't gone yet, maybe he could tell us smth about him. Just sayin'
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:21:43  142891780
I came to England from Syria.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:23:38  142891881
How the hell do you know russian then? It's a russian board after all.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:24:57  142891957
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:25:09  142891966
Anyone will speak with me?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:25:35  142891988
How to learn math? I speak math on 3 class school level
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:25:54  142892006
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:27:10  142892088
R u retrdd?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:27:46  142892117
yes, i know
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:27:51  142892123
youtube -> numberphile
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:27:57  142892132
Sure I can speak TO you pall. So, what's crackin'?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:28:05  142892137
Honey dont u love me and u know it makes me sad?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:28:33  142892164
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:29:28  142892212
Numberphilie is number theory? A Algebra?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:29:35  142892219
This was never to happen.
Things have evolved, you know.
We separate like ripples on a blank shore.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:29:42  142892226
hmm... What r u doin?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:30:00  142892242
Do you perform some barrel rolls?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:30:39  142892283
Enjoying some lovely lasagna and browsing webm threads. And you?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:31:01  142892302
"With" is correct too. Don't vyebyvajsya.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:31:14  142892309
>>142882551 (OP)
Паста с нyльчa, расходимся.
Это официальный английский говорящий поток.

У нас не было один для возрастов. Время, чтобы сделать для него!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:32:22  142892376
A lot of thing are correct, yet not all of them sound right.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:32:51  142892417
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:33:05  142892437
neither the first not the second word i dont' understand. I think get out
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:33:10  142892445

Hmm, sorry, I'm struck by the other party
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:37:00  142892725
I feels bored. Anon, can you advise me something interesting at youtube?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:37:23  142892750
If it's correct, it sounds right. What's the matter tho?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:39:01  142892853
How add new word to my word set in mind? Omg, i think in english, a words set is small
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:40:23  142892944
>>142882551 (OP)
>We haven't had one for ages
wrong, i made one myself about a week ago
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:41:48  142893030
I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger travelling through this world of woe...
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:43:23  142893127
I'd been learning English for two years when I first heard the phrase "London is the capital of Great Britain."
That's weird enough since most people who have never learned English know this phrase, and that's often times all the English they know.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:43:39  142893147
A lot of music, films, etc can help you
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:44:15  142893186
Gotta link? Would love to read.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:44:39  142893218

What's that got to do with anything?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:45:21  142893258
It's not about the words themselves. It's about how you use them.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:48:04  142893421
Come on, guys, let's get this thread cooking and roaring!
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:48:04  142893424
Just wanted to tell it.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:48:32  142893454
usa kid in the thread, ask your questions
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:48:47  142893473
>cooking and roar
What's this even supposed to mean?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:49:15  142893510
english courses
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:49:36  142893525
Nu tupie, nu tupie...
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:54:31  142893847
Omg. Fuck you bitch? Lol, no u
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 19:57:23  142894044
14809820009581.jpg (68Кб, 240x320)
who else like cummy in mummy?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:16:17  142895212
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:17:05  142895266
Birmingham is on the line, lads. You better ask your shit while I'm checking an arse
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:22:23  142895581
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:24:00  142895674
English teacher here, ask me anything.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:26:26  142895831
Am ah gettin ma hole?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:26:27  142895833
You ain't no teachah.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:30:36  142896083
>You don't be no teachah.
Learn some English dude.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:33:34  142896263
Girls dont need, am i right?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:37:32  142896513
where all anonymoos?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:39:12  142896625
I'm here. What did you want
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:39:35  142896652
confusemummy.jpg (125Кб, 480x360)
i am english
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:44:04  142896919
144380178417354[...].jpg (46Кб, 500x332)
me too. how long you english?
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:45:44  142897024
wat.jpg (65Кб, 869x641)
i did english from wen was baby
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:46:47  142897077
i very long in english. very fucking long
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:50:14  142897297
The English of level of the /b.
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:57:18  142897768
scream11.jpg (11Кб, 250x202)
опять ты
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 20:58:38  142897861
concernmummie.jpg (169Кб, 564x657)
это тред на английском

want to pley with mummy :)
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 21:29:06  142899901
no u
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 21:30:27  142899990
relyprety.jpg (277Кб, 1024x691)
yes i do
Аноним 24/12/16 Суб 22:36:46  142904711
14577169554320.jpg (34Кб, 540x527)

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