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Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:01:33  143961444  
14838186839370.jpg (25Кб, 682x366)
В Чили военный вертолет заснял на тепловизор НЛО.

Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:01:50  143961450
И сразу бамп.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:04:00  143961492
>>143961444 (OP)
I'm a pilot. I've seen a few weird things in the air myself from time to time but the most interesting thing for me in this video is the plume it leaves behind at the end of the video.

What do I think it is? I think it's a fast jet of some kind running hot that's quite far away. The exhaust heat from it's engines is balling up behind it and the IR bloom from that heat is making it appear like a round ball in the sky and masking its shape.

The material it squirts out? It's basically igniting its afterburners and the hot exhaust heat is blooming from behind it in the line you see. If you look at a jet aircraft with afterburner like the F18 or something like that through FLIR, you will see the exact same thing.

Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:05:23  143961513
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:05:54  143961523
Ну еще, раз это не УУУУ НЛО ПРИШЕЛЬЦЫ УУУУУ, то конечно же бред. Это самое логичное объяснение.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:07:16  143961548
Это не самолет,

Chilean Navy helicopter west of Santiago was flying at 4,500 feet on a clear day, in the afternoon, Huffington Post reported. The temperature was 50 degrees Fahrenheit and they were flying at 132 knots (152 mph). The men on the helicopter saw an object flying about 35 to 40 miles away, at about the same velocity and altitude that they were flying. They zoomed in with the infrared camera and contacted two radar stations, who could pick up the helicopter on their radar but could not detect the object even though it should have been within range. There were also no reports of civilian or military traffic. On-board radar also couldn’t detect it. The pilot attempted to communicate with the object but got no reply. Most of the film was taken in infrared, with the black, white, and grey tones related to heat. The hotter the object, the darker it appears on the video.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:09:39  143961592
>35 to 40 miles away
>contacted two radar stations, who could pick up the helicopter on their radar but could not detect the object even though it should have been within range.
Найс истории.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:12:21  143961639
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:14:29  143961684
>На радарах объекта нет
>Вывод определили расстояние неправильно
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:16:19  143961723
>>На радарах объекта нет
>If you look at a jet aircraft with afterburner like the F18 or something like that through FLIR, you will see the exact same thing.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:17:55  143961754
И нахуй ты привел цитату, которая вообще о другом? Ты у мамы ОСОБЕННЫЙ? На радаре не было нихуя. потому что ебланы не смогли определить расстояние.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:19:03  143961783
это видео в инверсии, на самом деле шары белые а небо чёрное
это двигатели улетающего истребителя
и форсаж
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:19:05  143961785
Completely agree. It totally looks like twin-low-bypass engines with absolutely no IR reduction applied, so an older jet like the F-5.

Woa wait, Chile has F-5's? And it was about 30 miles away? F-5's do have very low RCS compared to other non-stealthy jets; hence why it probably did not show up on radar at that particular range/altitude/vector combination and incredibly cloudy weather.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:19:45  143961795
>это видео в инверсии, на самом деле шары белые а небо чёрное
Ни можат быт
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:34:06  143962211
>>143961444 (OP)
Сказал бы с какой минуты смотреть.
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:39:52  143962401
aayyyy lmao
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 08:59:28  143963017
>>143961444 (OP)
На видео стелс спалился по тепловому следу двигателя?
Аноним 08/01/17 Вск 12:38:34  143971530

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