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Работница кондитерской фабрики в Подмосковье уронила мобильник в бак с шоколадом, попробовала его достать и утонула Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:13:43  458625  

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Mother of two dies after falling into a vat of molten CHOCOLATE at a Russian sweet factory

Svetlana Roslina, 24, died at the Sergiev-Posad confectionery plant in Fedortsovo
It has been claimed that she was trying to retrieve her mobile phone
A police investigation is underway into the tragedy
Investigators are also looking into the possibility that she was emptying a sack of ingredients when she fell

A mother of two died after she fell into a tank of molten chocolate at the confectionery plant where she worked near Moscow.

Svetlana Roslina, 24, dropped her mobile phone into the vat of sweet mix and reached in to retrieve it, but fell, and couldn't get out, according to reports.

'She was minced, only her legs were left,' said one local source at the Sergiev-Posad confectionery plant in Fedortsovo, Moscow region.

Another version is that she fell in while emptying a sack of ingredients into the giant mixer.

'The girl was dragged in when she was trying to empty a sack,' said another local source.

The woman was married to Vladimir, and the couple had two young children aged under five.

A police investigation is underway into her horrific death.

A local resident said: 'A young woman died at the confectionery plant in Fedortsovo.

It has been claimed that the mother of two was trying to retrieve her phone when she died

The deceased woman was married to Vladimir, and the couple had two young children aged under five

I live here and can see the plant out of my window.

'At 6pm there were police cars and a hearse.

'People are saying that she dropped her phone in the tank and tried to get it but was dragged in there.

'Witnesses say that only her legs were sticking out.'
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:16:17  458632

Сладкая смерть
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:17:23  458634

>>458625 (OP) Сладкая женщина.
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:19:29  458636

Good night, sweet princess!
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:23:59  458642

It`s sad, she was nice.
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:32:12  458651

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>>458625 (OP)
Эта партия конфет будет с оригинальной начинкой.
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:38:19  458660

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Слишком ЖЫРНО, лал.
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 20:43:31  458669

>>458625 (OP)
Хоть бы в российских сми нашел новость. Нахер ты сюда текст на английском принес, мамкин прогрессивный либерал?
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 21:06:04  458704

>мамкин прогрессивный либерал
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 21:08:22  458709

Но ведь он сам себя таким считает. Я не при чем
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 21:09:21  458711

Господа, а была же английская комедия про конфеты с начинкой из жмуров, ну, вспомните же название.
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 21:28:55  458727

Распоряжение начальства - вынести то что осталось
и запускать конвеер, иначе не успеем с заказом,
виновные будут наказанны премиями урезанными,
подарком на новый год кому-то станет блестящий протез.
Аноним 15/12/16 Чтв 22:03:04  458762

>>458625 (OP)
poor woman!
Аноним 16/12/16 Птн 00:36:39  458905

>>458625 (OP)
Шоколадомешалка, мешает шоколад!
Аноним 16/12/16 Птн 01:07:46  458920

Суини Тодд, только там пирожки.
Аноним 16/12/16 Птн 02:09:33  458945

>>458625 (OP)
Брюнетка в шоколаде
Аноним 16/12/16 Птн 02:57:59  458971

Всепожирающие страсти / Глазированные заживо / Consuming Passions, 1988, черная комедия.
Аноним 16/12/16 Птн 07:14:47  459056

Чет орнул)))
Аноним 16/12/16 Птн 08:46:20  459078

Нет, Суини Тодд. Поверь, это про то.

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