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Аноним 01/03/16 Втр 02:07:35  111570  
(242Кб, 1238x822)
I came all the way from 4chan just to demand that you fuckers translate this shit (Числа).

This sounds amazing, why is it that English authors don't write books about pikachu sex and photoshop wizards?
Аноним 01/03/16 Втр 03:09:53  111572
But is it sci-fi?
Also, why don't your jewpublishers ever translate modern foreign books?
Аноним 01/03/16 Втр 13:46:13  111592
>>111570 (OP)
Thisis not sci-fi. Pelevin something similar to William Seward Burroughs and Thomas Pynchon, if you know what I mean.
He has a lot of jokes about Buddhism, drugs and pop art.
Аноним 01/03/16 Втр 22:01:28  111636
Most of Pelevin's books have English translations. I think this weird rule 34 one is gonna get translated too, sooner or later.
>>111570 (OP)
Try /bo/, it is a faster board for general book discussions. But I doubt anyone will be interested in making a translation.
Аноним 01/03/16 Втр 22:05:13  111637

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